About Us

Mike hiking over the pass to Imogene Lake in Idaho

Hi Friend,

Thanks for visiting my website. If this is your first time here, my name is Mike and this is my personal blog for posting about financial math, probability, and programming. If this is not your first time here, welcome back!

About the Website

I hope to post helpful and informative content that explains finance and math concepts in an easy format for readers. In particular, I’m going to begin with the topics surrounding financial options and how they are used to manage risk.

For the past few years I’ve been working with Ntropika Labs (Formerly Potion Labs) as part of the team that made the Potion protocol that was released as part of the Potion Unlock event. My role on the team was helping to build the analytics and analysis tools that help people simulate using the protocol.

One of the goals of the site is to help people learn some of the ideas and concepts surrounding the Potion tools and math and finance generally. These tools were released to the public domain as a decentralized public good.

A portrait photo of Mike

Personal ETH Address: 0xe0EeD07527d4C5E6f60B25515dc9Ffd29B8aC65f

Ideally, these posts will help people understand some of (but definitely not all) the cool stuff the team made. My hope is that these posts will let people better use their financial tools, and that the posts will help generate interest in these interesting and useful subjects.

Why the Name quantreboot.com?

The Unromantic Reason

Admittedly, some of the choices for the name are practical. It is an on-topic name for the blog content, it is a .com that doesn’t appear to mess with anyone’s trademark, there isn’t any history of the domain being used ever for spam, etc. However, these are not the only reasons.

The Romantic Reason

Sometimes, when you need to fix something you need to turn it off and then turn it back on again. Let’s aim to reboot your understanding of financial math so that you can use the ideas concepts of the field to help in your own life.

A simulated random walk of a financial asset
A simulated random walk of a financial asset

About Me

My professional background is in Control Systems and Robotics. A lot of the same ideas that are used in finance like probability, differential equations, and optimization are used in robotics too, only applied to the task of programming a robot to do tasks like move around or dominate the world. If those ideas sound intimidating – don’t worry! I’m hoping to help teach about them here in a simple way.

Prior to working with Ntropika, I worked:

I also have a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of New Hampshire. For my thesis project working in UNH’s Advanced Control Lab, I programmed a swarm of robots to cooperate searching an area for resources.


If you’re really curious and want to check out some of the papers I’ve worked on or my thesis project the links are below.